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INTREAL increases assets under administration by €5 billion to €18.6 billion in 2017

Icon INTREAL Press Releases

01. Feb 2018

INTREAL International Real Estate KVG mbH (IntReal) posted further rapid growth in 2017. After growing by around a third in 2016, assets under administration (AuA) increased by around 38 percent in 2017. At the end of 2017, AuA reached approximately €18.6 billion (end of 2016: €13.5 billion). There was a similarly positive development in funds under administration and in the number of associated properties: A total of 83 property funds were administered at the end of 2016, whereas a year later there were 114. The portfolios of these funds comprised 857 properties as at the end of 2017 (previous year: 629 properties).

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