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INTREAL Solutions Acquires Nine New Mandates during First Half of 2023

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24. Aug 2023

INTREAL Solutions looks back on a prosperous first half of 2023. The consultancy firm succeeded in gaining several new mandates in various business sectors. On the whole, nine new mandates were added during the first six months of 2023. For example, INTREAL Solutions took over the IT services and IT consultancy for a major hospital operator on short notice. MVGM, a leading European property manager, will be using the INTREAL Solutions template consisting of SAP, cloudbrixx and Docuware components for a recently acquired portfolio. This template lets you optimally differentiate between the commercial and technical property management while also offering an integrated invoicing workflow process and archive – all of it along with the complex interface technology necessary.

Over the past six months, emerging evidence has revealed significant demand for financial services in the market. The new mandate acquired from the AIF Capital investment entity belongs in this segment. In this case, INTREAL Solutions will handle the client’s accounting for all companies associated with the real estate investment funds while also providing preparatory services for its tax consultant. In addition, other consulting mandates are dedicated to the implementation of reporting solutions, of ESG strategies and of the return-risk matrix.

Marko Broschinski, who became Head of Sales at INTREAL Solutions on 1 July 2023, commented: “The success of INTREAL Solutions shows it was the right thing to do to make the vast first-hand experience and competence of INTREAL available to other market players, too, in the form of advisory services. Our company offers best practice consulting in the subject areas of ESG, risk and process management, and in the IT area. Its spectrum of deliverables is steadily being expanded, as the example of Financial Services demonstrates. In response to the seventh reenactment of the Minimum Requirements for Risk Management (MaRisk), we also developed an implementation concept for the proprietary real estate business of financial institutions, which is affected by the reenacted law.”

Annika Dylong, Head of Consulting and Services at INTREAL Solutions, added: “The requirements in the regulated real estate sector keep tightening, especially when it comes to the subject areas of ESG and risk management. This increases the need for advisory services, and it is here that we make our expertise of many years available. Many of the mandates acquired during the first half of 2023 concern the ESG area. As a rule, ESG consulting by INTREAL Solutions starts with the formulation of a strategy, and includes its subsequent implementation and its integration into all digital processes. In the course of implementing an ESG strategy, a huge amount of data from a variety of systems needs to be aggregated, merged and integrated into a reporting system. It is a process chain that has to be developed first. Its development requires interfaces and other IT services.”

INTREAL Solutions preconfigured an in-house ESG reporting tool, which displays the data transparently in a dashboard. Upon request, the reporting tool can be customised and be used for fund assets not held by INTREAL as well as for directly owned assets and real estate held in other structures.

Annika Dylong said in this context: “But the implementation of an ESG strategy is by no means limited to reporting. Issues equally important that also need to be addressed include the derivation and implementation of concrete measures toward the energy refurbishment of a given portfolio. So, this is another aspect on which we will gladly advise our clients.”

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