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Scope Reaffirms AA (SMR) Rating for INTREAL Once More

Icon of INTREAL Press Releases

16. Jul 2024

In its survey of third-party AIFMs, the Scope rating agency once again returned an AA (SMR) rating for INTREAL. This makes it the third time in a row now that the AA rating of March 2021 was upheld. By reaffirming its rating, Scope credited INTREAL with an excellent quality and competence as a third-party AIFM in its business of launching and administrating investment funds.

In addition to commending the company for its market leadership, the rating agency specifically cited the fact that INTREAL’s Luxembourg platform has, in addition to real estate funds, covered the asset classes of infrastructure, private debt (real estate and infrastructure) as well as umbrella funds (real estate and infrastructure) since November 2023. Another positive aspect highlighted is that INTREAL offers fund administration services only. As it launches no funds of its own, the company avoids potential conflicts of interest.

Camille Dufieux, Managing Director of INTREAL, commented: “We consider the fact that our rating was upheld for the third time in a row by Scope despite the steadily tightening requirements a unique recognition of our efforts. At the same time, it encourages us to maintain the chosen trajectory going forward. We would like to seize the opportunity to thank all employees of our company whose day-to-day dedication to INTREAL laid the ground for this achievement.”

Here you can find the Scope press release confirming the rating.

Download press release as PDF.